Larry Garfield wrote on 05/05/2016 15:24:
<<Push($foo >> Translator)>>


<<Query($foo ?? '//item[id=42]')>>

I could easily see, for instance, Doctrine annotations building the first, PHPUnit the second, and Zend the 3rd. Those would all be legal-ish, but semantically very different. And there's also then no guarantee that $foo >> Translator actually means a bit-shift (I don't even know what a bitshift in that case would mean)

To add some context to these examples: the first is borrowing the overload of ">>" from C++ (meaning "pass to stream") or similar uses in Ruby; the second the use of "|" as a pipe in templating languages like Smarty and Twig (meaning "pass expression to modifier function") or good old Unix shell tradition; and the third is inspired by PostgreSQL and imagines the operator overloaded to mean something like "matches the XPath-like expression given".

I'm not sure any of those interpretations would actually be useful in the realm of annotations, but operator overloading is the first thing that sprung to mind when I wondered what a domain-specific language would look like if it were constrained only to producing a valid PHP AST. Another trick could be to abuse brackets, e.g. "something(anything)" will parse as a function call, but needn't be interpreted as one.

Rowan Collins

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