Hi Michael,

On 16 July 2016 at 16:33, Michael Vostrikov <michael.vostri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I have created RFC about context-dependent escaping operator.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/escaping_operator
> Initial discussion was here: http://marc.info/?t=146619199100001

I'm more than slightly sceptical about this RFC's chances, but to give
you some feedback, this bit is a bad pattern:

> bool PHPEscaper::registerHandler(string $context, callable $escaper_function)
> Registers new handler for a given context. If handler for this context is 
> already
> registered, it returns false, on success registration returns true.

It would be better to return the previous handler, or NULL if one
wasn't set, in the same way as set_error_handler() does, and for the
same reasons.

Also, shouldn't these just be functions? Why is there a class involved
when it only has static functions/state?


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