> 1. Is there any specific reason why we're using a class instead of
> functions to register a callable the same way it's done for exception
> handling or error handling? Hacking non FQN resolutions to inject another
> escaper ...

I would not call it 'hacking') This is exaclty the same as if we write
'PHPEscaper::escape()' manually in PHP context.
I didn't want to add many related items to a global namespace, and with
class it is possible to use autoloading.

2. Is there any rationale why we're using strings separated by '|' to pass
> context instead of an array? Ex.:
> <?* $str, ['js', 'html'] ?>

Yes, I thought about array. It can be added on a par with string. Strings
just looks more similar to escaping in template engines.

3. I think the default implementation should throw a more specific
> exception in case of unknown context (\PHP\EscapeException?)
> 4. This line on your patch is unnecessary

You are right, thanks. This commit is a concept, if RFC will be accepted, I
will prepare a patch with more correct code.

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