"Rowan Collins" wrote in message news:a7ffce81-74e5-47d0-9ebf-9bdc90e2e...@gmail.com...

On 14 September 2017 10:23:48 BST, Tony Marston
Would this problem disappear by using UTF8 instead of the Turkish
set? If so then ten no other solution would be required.

No, the problem has nothing to do with character sets, but with the actual alphabet that humans in Turkey use, which doesn't follow the same rules as the alphabet that American humans use.

Unicode (the standard, not the character set or any of its encodings) has an algorithm / lookup table for "case folding", because "convert everything to lower case" is not a reliable way to produce case insensitive comparisons. Using that correctly world presumably solve this particular problem.

The bottom line is that case sensitive comparisons are easier than case insensitive ones.

A programmer's job is to write software which makes life easier for his users, not to remove features which his users are used to just because it is "more convenient" for him.

While the vast majority of characters in any character set have a one-to-one mapping between upper and lower case, there are exceptions. I have been writing software for several decades, and I have come to know the 80-20 rule which states that 80% of the code is for "normal" circumstances while 20% is for the exceptions, yet coding for the "normal" circumstances takes 20% of the effort while the exceptions require 80%. It is the programmer's job to deal with these exceptions, so to say that it's not going to be done because it is not easy is a very poor excuse.

Tony Marston

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