On Wed, 2010-04-07 at 22:46 +0300, Groleo Marius wrote:
> Hi,
> what's wrong with ion3plus ?
> I think Tuomo made it clear in an older mail (see[1] ) how things
> should be carried on.
> If I got it wrong I stand corrected.

These guidelines are there to keep the project
true to the name Ion, and therefore include


  * A veto for me for major changes that do not simply enhance
    existing features. XFascistType and Shitorama have snowball's
    chance in hell of getting into Ion. Ion runs on pure X11, not
    fugly complex extensions.


As for development after Ion3plus, which shouldn't _fundamentally_ stray
too far from Ion3, I have some new ideas to try for Ion4, that I'd still
like to see implemented. I just doubt I'm going to do it myself...


I would also require at that point that Ion be ported to Windows and,
why not, OS X at.

well, unless tuomo wears a red coat and lives in the north pole, i don't
see this as a good/fair management model, keeping the Ion(tm) name is
not worth having Tuomo as a lead non-developer...IMO

> IMO, having new random features in, does not mean immediate success.
> See the failure of wmii which every time I gave it a shot it blew out on me.

we agreed to leave the development discussion for a later session, i
don't think we ought to be making any assumptions at this point.

> I guess porting(see [1]) would require the least effort from
> developers getting in touch with ion3 code

porting or not, 'someone' will have to do it...

> (and maybe easier to get Tuomo to try it :D)

riiiight... xD

M Rawash

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