
>>>>> As noted, I'm open to any of the two options. That said,
>>>>> would a normative ref to draft-ietf-6man-ext-transmit be
>>>>> really appropriate/correct?
>>>>> If you think about it, that'd be an "informational reference"
>>>>> rather than an authoritative one... (you don't need to read 
>>>>> draft-ietf-6man-ext-transmit to understand 
>>>>> draft-ietf-6man-oversized-header-chain-05.txt). For instance,
>>>>> the IANA registry itself is not a normative reference.
>>>> Logically, you're correct. It would just be a shame for it to
>>>> come out as a "work in progress" reference instead of an RFC.
>>>> Maybe we can ask for the two RFCs to be published at the same
>>>> time.
>>> Agreed. I will rev the I-D as described (but with an
>>> informational ref to your I-D), and will note the RFC-Ed about
>>> this. -- However, my take is that this will be nevertheless the
>>> case (draft-ietf-6man-ext-transmit will be published at the same
>>> time or before oversized-header-chain).
>> I would prefer a normative reference to the ext-transmit document
>> for the definition of extension headers.
> I have no problem with that option... However, the thing is that the
> reference is not normative in nature (i.e., IMHO it would be
> incorrect, as discussed with Brian). (please see the P.S., anyway).

  Extension Headers are defined in Section 4 of [RFC2460].
  As a result of [draft-ietf-6man-ext-transmit], [IANA-PROTO] provides
  a list of assigned Internet Protocol Numbers and designates which of
  those protocol numbers also represent extension headers.

I'm fine with this text.
I think the separation of extension headers and ULPs
that ext-transmit codifies is vital for implementing oversized-header chain.

could there be a reference to ext-transmit also in the terminology section?

>> I agree that we should publish these two documents together.
> +1 for this. Isn't there a way to request this without a normative ref?

yes, we can do that. the authors just need to request that from the RFC editor.

(I assume the shepherd or chairs count for that as well.)

> P.S.: Please do let me know if you'd like me to proceed with a
> normative ref... either way is fine with me...

let's go with normative.


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