On 09/03/2013 08:22 AM, Ole Troan wrote:
>>> I would prefer a normative reference to the ext-transmit
>>> document for the definition of extension headers.
>> I have no problem with that option... However, the thing is that
>> the reference is not normative in nature (i.e., IMHO it would be 
>> incorrect, as discussed with Brian). (please see the P.S.,
>> anyway).
> Extension Headers are defined in Section 4 of [RFC2460]. As a
> result of [draft-ietf-6man-ext-transmit], [IANA-PROTO] provides a
> list of assigned Internet Protocol Numbers and designates which of 
> those protocol numbers also represent extension headers.
> I'm fine with this text. I think the separation of extension
> headers and ULPs that ext-transmit codifies is vital for
> implementing oversized-header chain.
> could there be a reference to ext-transmit also in the terminology
> section?

The above para is meant for the Terminology section.

>> P.S.: Please do let me know if you'd like me to proceed with a 
>> normative ref... either way is fine with me...
> let's go with normative.

Ok. Please let me know if we're fine with the above change (para that
goes in the Terminology section + normative reference) and I'll rev
the I-D.


Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
PGP Fingerprint: 6666 31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492

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