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I am banging my head up against the wall for the answer to a problem. 
This may or may not be related to Jserv/JVM issues but I thought I would 
ask the masses is they might have experienced the same problem.

We have a web app which is servlet based running on Redhat 6.2 with Sun 
JVM 1.2.2 and Jserv 1.1.2. I got a call that our web app was 
unreacheable. I cannot get to the box remotely so I go to the console. I 
get an error to the effect that my file-max open file limit had been 
reached. I could not do anything as far as diagnoses on the box because 
I could not even open a shell. So I had to hard reboot the box and 
everything came back up fine.

I have no users on this box so user mischief is not a possibility. I 
only run telnet and FTP for as few developers and ssh for admins. There 
are no other services bieng run except for java, httpd (apache), and 
system  things like crond, syslogd, etc.

Can anyone think of a scenario where jserv or the JVM may cause a 
massive opening of files? Massive logging, perhaps? Garbage Collection 
gone horribly wrong? I am grasping at straws here.

Sorry if this is a little off-topic. If you think it is not Jserv that 
caused the problem, respond to me privately.


Ben Ricker
Senior Systems Administrator
US-Rx, Inc.

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