> Hello
> I did some rough coding to get javax-usb to work with libusb-0.1 about
> two years ago.  There has been some recent great work being done to port
> libusb-1.0 to windows XP and newer.  Is anyone working at this on moving
> javax-libusb from 0.1 to 1.0?
> Thanks
> Mike

> Hello
> I did some rough coding to get javax-usb to work with libusb-0.1 about
> two years ago.  There has been some recent great work being done to port
> libusb-1.0 to windows XP and newer.  Is anyone working at this on moving
> javax-libusb from 0.1 to 1.0?
> Thanks
> Mike


I suppose you used JNI to interface to libusb?

May I suggest that you check out if JNA would be a viable alternative?

I did some some libusb-0.1 stuff using JNA and it was a pleasure,
it took me about two hours to implement a full pure Java API for libusb,
no C code or compiler in sight!

By pure I mean that I, nor anyone using my code need ever to compile
any C code .... it just works! And that is the beauty, just include
a jar in your project and you are done. Makes life so much easier
for the end users, no need hack a dysfunctional automake system
when it does not compile in your OS.

The only issue I see is that for some high bandwidth applications
JNA might be a bottleneck.

I can share my code if you are interested.

Of course, given that I've got a cross platform pure Java usb API
the whole javax-libusb is a bit superfluous, at least for me,
but I appreciate that a standard conforming API could be useful.

Just a thought.

br Kusti

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