FYI Mike, you do appear to still have developer access to javax.usb,
including cvs and now git access.

2010/7/6 Dan Streetman <>:
> Hello,
> Brian Weischedel is now the official maintainer of javax-usb (not me
> any longer) but I am still the admin for the project (for now
> at least).
> If you want, I can add you as a developer to the project so you
> can manage the code in git there, assuming Brian doesn't have a
> problem with it (Brian, speak up if you do).
> Let me know what your sf id is and I'll add you in.
> 2010/6/29 Trygve Laugstøl <>:
>> On 6/29/10 7:53 PM, Trygve Laugstøl wrote:
>>> On 6/29/10 5:40 PM, Mike Crowe wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 2010-06-27 at 11:13 +0200, Trygve Laugstøl wrote:
>>>>> On 6/15/10 12:16 AM, Mike Crowe wrote:
>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>> I did some rough coding to get javax-usb to work with libusb-0.1 about
>>>>>> two years ago.  There has been some recent great work being done to port
>>>>>> libusb-1.0 to windows XP and newer.  Is anyone working at this on moving
>>>>>> javax-libusb from 0.1 to 1.0?
>>>>> I'm working on a new implementation based on 1.0. I haven't published it
>>>>> yet as it's very much still a PoC. I can send and receive some packets
>>>>> (was able to control a LED on a ftdi chip), but there's lots of work left.
>>>>> I've done some work on getting the TCK to pass, but libusb right now
>>>>> misses at least the negotiated speed so parts of the TCK fails. I'm also
>>>>> not very happy with all parts of the TCK so I'd like to discuss that
>>>>> later when I'm more into it.
>>>> We'd be happy with Git as well.  I'm particularly happy with the local
>>>> repo aspect of it.
>>> Git is awesome.
>>>> I'm not clear what TCK stands for.
>>> TCK = Technology Compatibility Kit. By running the TCK you show that
>>> your implementation is compliant with the specification.
>>>> We have the code compiling, with 1.0, but the enumeration did not port
>>>> cleanly and needs some hand coding to work.
>>>> We are actively coding, but it appears that you are well beyond where we
>>>> are.  It would help if we could be working on the same code.  I'm not
>>>> clear what it takes to move a sourceforge repo from CVS to git
>>>> (CVS2Git).  I'm willing to give it a shot if the javax admin guy is
>>>> willing to give me the appropriate admin privilages to make the
>>>> changes.
>>> I've used git-cvsimport on the javax-usb and javax-usb-tck SF
>>> repositories (I don't care about the other stuff) and it worked just fine.
>>>> Would it make sense to start another project using Git, and libusb-1.0
>>>> (giving credit and links to the original project)?
>>> My code is a re-implementation of the libusb stuff. I've reimplemented
>>> the relevant javax.usb stuff too as I find the IBM license un-clear and
>>> I want it to be under the Apache Software License v2.
>>> I'll try to publish my stuff asap.
>>> There are parts of the TCK that my code really can't pass as libusb for
>>> example doesn't support hot plug/unplug events of new devices yet.
>> Tada, here it is:
>> Note that it's not very likely that it will build cleanly for anyone but
>> me on my machine but I can try to work on that if that's wanted. Right
>> now I'm just trying to get the basic stuff to work. I had to do some
>> work on libusb too so you'll have to build libusb from my libusb repository:
>>   git://
>> A web view is available here:
>> --
>> Trygve
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