are you useing i map or pop 3 settings for wlm?
if i map there server might  be intermitant.
i have had connection problems when comcast is upgradeing there equipment. but they usually notify me when they are doing this.
does this happen when surfing the net with i e or firefox?
are you useing a wired, router?
if so try re seating the data cables from the cable modem and the computer.
i have had these connection problems before.
i just replace these cables because they build up corrosion over the years and reseating them only works for a few days before they stop makeing connection again.

-----Original Message----- From:
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 5:27 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] WLM and Comcast

Morning folks.
I am having a problem with WLM and comcast. Whenever I try to open or delete a message from my inbox, I get the following message: was not found.
Does anyone else have the same problem, and if so, can you offer a solution? I am using WLM 16.4, Jaws 2018 and Windows 10 on a dell laptop.

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