Gee whiz! That's sounds exactly like what's going on with Sirius/XM radio.
While XM, all was accessible. Now that it's Sirius, it's not.
One step forward, two steps back.

Sunny Day
Maria Campbell

When the power of love is stronger than the love of power,
then the world will know peace.

On 4/12/2011 11:57 AM, Joy Cyr wrote:
All true, but once again we are discussing a large organization, well versed in 
issues of accessibility who have proved that they can mount well designed sites 
accessible to adaptive softwares.  They are also an organization that does make 
a major point of promoting their accessibility, they even have an entire forum 
devoted to the people with adaptive software needs.  So they know about and are 
able to use the tools you refer to.  So to take a perfectly well set-up 
accessible site and launch a new and totally inaccessible one, given the source 
is unexceptable.  And honestly, beside the point.  I want to know how I can use 
their latest mistake until they get their act together and put something better 
up.  Based on previous experience it will take a few months before a more user 
friendly site is launched and philosophizing on their inadequacies isn't 
helping me in the meantime.


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----- Original Message -----
From: tim
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Website problem, New BBC iPlayer

Well the problem lays with the programmer. The tools are there to
make all software and computers useable for those with disabilities.
However, those tools are consider extra and use plane functions for
buttons and stuff like that.
The programmer can still use custom code, but if the accessibility
functions are not turned on or used. Then its just pretty code for the eye.
When it comes to programming not much is standard and custom is the thing.
Also not all accessible code is standard. If it was then wineyes and
jaws would both be the same.
Apple is the only one that put standards that all software for its
platform. Must be useable by voice over. The problem there is they
don't turn on those features unless asked, but they are there to meet
the requirements.

At 11:29 AM 4/12/2011, you wrote:
yeah, i can see that. but why are there so *many* Flash pages on the
Web that aren't accessibly coded? And the BBC prides itself on
accessibility. (or should I say, prided? After all, their chatter is
now almost all about cutbacks.)

----- Original Message ----- From: "tim"<>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Website problem, New BBC iPlayer

Its working with the flash as its suppose to.
However, the new page given has flash not using accessibility. They
just left it out or someone else did the coding.

At 10:33 AM 4/12/2011, you wrote:
There are unlabbelled buttons in the flash content, which JAWS12
sees. Mine called the Play button unlabelled 1 button, and if I
press that to pause it becomes unlabelled 2 button. JAWS11 may not
be working well enough with this flash content, but in any case it
is or appears to be rather unsatisfactory so far.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joy Cyr"<>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Website problem, New BBC iPlayer

Good day,
My flash is enabled, and it sounds to me as though you are
describing the older, accessible consol which I never had a
moments problem with and would like to continue using.  The new
one is NOT! like that.

I am using Jaws 11, and my problems began Sunday night,, ... I
use the BBC site for one reason or another at least six days a
week and have for over five years, so please believe me this is recent.

If they work correctly the two links below should take you to the
two different listen again pages they are now presenting.  The
first is the old accessible page, the second the new page where I
have not been able to find the buttons that are still there, somewhere.

----- Original Message -----
From: Flor Lynch
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Website problem, New BBC iPlayer

You need to have flash enabled, as the page has a lot of that. the
buttons are then read by JAWS. there is the Play/pause button which does
what it says. The timeline button allows you to jump by percentage
increments, the percentage being of the programme's length. There is
also a volume adjust button, and an Adobe Flash popout button. You
didn't say which version of JAWS you're using.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joy Cyr"<>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 6:28 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Website problem, New BBC iPlayer

Good day,
Has anyone come across the new (and supposedly improved) iPlayer that
the BBC uses to play their radio shows online?  The "old" one uploaded
and showed a simple consol that was easy for Jaws to navigate.  This
new one is displaying a page filled with links, graphics and text. I
had someone sighted take a look and the vital buttons are still there,
and have the same labels: play/pause, volume and timeline, but Jaws
can't find/see them with either cursor.  Could this possibly be a Jaws
setting I need to change?  Or is there a work around that will let me
find them?  Because not being able to hit pause during a three hour
show is a real problem.

If anyone has any help or suggestions to offer I'd be very
Yours sincerely,
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