Hi Tobias,

Some days ago someone pointed me to a post on the jadmin maling list [1]. What they are talking about are the accounts that my monitoring software have created for monitoring login times and server features on each server. Then I noticed that stpeter responded to that[2] and said that there could be a better way to do that. My question is:

Do you know a better way and if so, what is the better way?

The way has to enable the following tests:

    * login time
    * discover server's version, features and services
    * s2s message time (how long does a message take from j.org
      <http://j.org> to j.net <http://j.net>, from j.org <http://j.org>
      to myjabber.net <http://myjabber.net> and so on)

[1] http://mailman.jabber.org/pipermail/jadmin/2006-August/024275.html
[2] http://mailman.jabber.org/pipermail/jadmin/2006-August/024289.html <http://mailman.jabber.org/pipermail/jadmin/2006-August/024289.html>

I think the main concern was that you created accounts on every server. Another concern was monitoring servers without asking the admin for permission. It's not necessary to create an account to monitor a server. We have s2s for that. Do you think the login time is important for a monitoring project? For c2s monitoring and logins you could also use anonymous login which is supported by many servers now.


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