(replies inline)

On Wed, 07 Feb 2018, Stephen Connolly wrote:

> Looks good to me.
> My only concern is mixing three VMs in the one container. Python, node and
> java... would be nicer if that could be reduced... but ack that it???s
> non-trivial to do so

I understand the desire to reduce dependencies but there are severe tradeoffs
to doing so, unfortunately :(

Java is an obvious dependency of Jenkins. Unfortunately Java is beefy at
runtime (especially with Jenkins), and doesn't have great support for acting as
a Server-sent Events client, along with some other niceities that I need for
the evergreen-client implementation.

As for Python, that's obviously a dependency for supervisord, but it also
shares some of the same limitations as Java for implementing an
evergreen-client. Python would definitely be my preference for implementing the
client tooling but alas. Also, I have not found a more mature, and featureful
process supervisor, in C, Node, etc, other than supervisord. I've been using it
in various projects with great success for a long time and it's well worth (to
me) the disk space occupied by the alpine python package.

Node is unfortunately the best tool for the job of the evergreen-client, and
believe me I'm not happy to be advocating for that position, since it dooms me
to writing much more JavaScript than I would like to :)

All that said, this is definitely not locked in stone. One of the big
advantages to defaulting to the container as the package means we can readily
swap this out in the future if we learn more, or our needs change.

Anywho, thanks for taking a read and providing some feedback! I hope I've
helped explain why there are some similar but different dependencies in the
jenkins/evergreen design.

- R. Tyler Croy

     Code: <https://github.com/rtyler>
  Chatter: <https://twitter.com/agentdero>
     xmpp: rty...@jabber.org

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