Module is already in the name: “java.lang.module.Configuration”. Wouldn’t 
“java.lang.module.ModuleConfiguration” look really odd?


> On 21 Sep 2016, at 16:18, Stephen Colebourne <> wrote:
> I had the same thought while watching the slides. Configuration is
> certainly a class name that exists other places, and would benefit
> from being ModuleConfiguration. Layer is less common, so not worried
> so much. Exceptions with "Module" in the name like
> ModuleNotFoundException would also be clearer.
> Stephen
> On 21 September 2016 at 03:36, Kasper Nielsen <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was wondering if there are any reasons for why these 3 classes in
>> java.lang.Module
>> Configuration
>> FindException
>> ResolutionException
>> Does not include the name Module?
>> I especially am not to fond of the very generic Configuration name in my
>> source code would much prefer something like ModuleConfiguration.
>> Best
>>  Kasper

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