Super small request

Can you please add *isFetched()* convenience method to a Record? Currently 
this field is private and cannot be read

Thanks for the great work!

On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 5:16:44 AM UTC-7, Lukas Eder wrote:
> Dear group,
> Part of jOOQ's success is its incredible amount of convenience methods 
> that help reduce the boiler plate code at your side. We do this with 
> massive overloading of API, for instance, when you work with fetch(), you 
> may have noticed how many different types of fetch() there are in jOOQ.
> Just now, I have added yet another convenience method. A Converter 
> constructor:
> It looks like this:
>     static <T, U> Converter<T, U> of(
>         Class<T> fromType,
>         Class<U> toType,
>         Function<? super T, ? extends U> from,
>         Function<? super U, ? extends T> to
>     ) { ... }
> And also:
>     static <T, U> Converter<T, U> ofNullable(
>         Class<T> fromType,
>         Class<U> toType,
>         Function<? super T, ? extends U> from,
>         Function<? super U, ? extends T> to
>     ) {
>         return of(
>             fromType,
>             toType,
>             t -> t == null ? null : from.apply(t),
>             u -> u == null ? null : to.apply(u)
>         );
>     }
> The above allows for creating simple ad-hoc, one-liner converters, such as:
>     Converter<String, Integer> converter =
>     Converter.ofNullable(String.class, Integer.class, Integer::parseInt, 
> Object::toString);
> What's your biggest "itch" in the jOOQ API, which jOOQ could "scratch", or 
> rather, make go away by adding new convenience API?
> All ideas welcome!
> Lukas

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