I almost forgot. We of course know the *real* reason Jigsaw introduced
these pains. It's hard to upgrade. But you either have to upgrade, or you
pay :)

Which is not a bad decision for the community as a whole. If Oracle
(finally) finds a viable business model and revenue source for Java, we'll
all win.

2018-04-22 14:43 GMT+02:00 Lukas Eder <lukas.e...@gmail.com>:

> 2018-04-20 14:35 GMT+02:00 <marco.dubac...@gmail.com>:
>> I'm quite amazed about that as upgrading to Java 9/10 seems to be
>> impossible. To the developers implementing JPMS this issue should have been
>> quite obvious?!?
> It was obvious and not an oversight, and it has been discussed back and
> forth many many times, indeed.
> A lot of people criticised the JPMS team for making the JPMS something
> that eventually has to be used by everyone, not just by the JDK's internals
> (the latter would be totally fine, after all, we'll finally get rid of
> CORBA in JDK 11, see JEP 320: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/320).
> On the flip side, it works kinda like a mark-and-sweep algorithm. All the
> active libraries will be marked, and after JDK 11 (or rather, once JDK 8's
> free LTS expires), all the inactive libraries will be swept. This
> definitely ought to clean up 1-2 things :)
> Also, probably, this allows the JDK teams to advance the JDK as a whole at
> a faster pace and implement things that would have been impossible to do,
> previously. It's no longer "write once run anywhere", but at least we get
> many new features in the near future, that might not have been possible
> otherwise.
>> I can't remember exactly what other libraries having this problem (I am
>> back on Java 8 now). I guess it must have been apache-commons.
> I see. Well, they've always been lagging. It took them forever to generify
> their commons collections library.

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