
Pieren wrote:
> If I have to choose, I prefere contributors making good quality
> editions with no comments than contributors making bad quality stuff
> with nice comments.

Yes but why would you have to choose. Someone who values OSM high enough 
to devote time and quality work to it can be expected to describe in a 
few words what he is uploading. Why would he say no? The value of the 
contribution is so much higher if others can, in an instant, see what it 
is about. Not putting a commit message is like spending a week to write 
a nice job application and then wrapping it in an ugly folder ("I 
thought it is the contents that count..."). It just doesn't make sense. 
An edit that, to its author, was not worth a four-word commit message is 
most likely to be a sloppy job.

> JOSM seems to be the only one who tries to force comments. Myself, I
> like to describe my changes but not always. But when I see that "I
> have to" do it, it makes me so ungry that I write anything excepted
> what I could kindly write otherwise.

I can only hope that such childish protest behaviour is not the norm in OSM.


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