On 8/2/11 2:45 PM, Josh Doe wrote:
On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Dirk Stöcker<openstreet...@dstoecker.de>wrote:

Sometimes I'm very discouraged to care for JOSM and I'm not sure if it is
really worth the effort anymore. Each and every time something new is
introduced or something is changed you get unacceptable comments and flames.
Sometimes this can get too much even for me.

Unfortunately this always happens, especially with popular software. Let me
just say that I am very thankful for the effort you (and others) put into
JOSM, as it is a very well designed piece of software that has made mapping
OSM so much easier and better.
yes, thanks.

JOSM is my preferred editor for OSM by a very substantial margin. please
keep up the good work.


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