A new OSM member and already JOSM fan
I'm sure there are a lot of them far outdating the disgruntled.


On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Dirk Stöcker

> Sometimes I'm very discouraged to care for JOSM and I'm not sure if it 
> is really worth the effort anymore. Each and every time something new 
> is introduced or something is changed you get unacceptable comments 
> and
> Sometimes this can get too much even for me.

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Willi [wil...@gmx.de] wrote:

> Unfortunately it's a matter of fact that angry people tend to make 
> much noise while happy people tend to be calm. I'm one of these happy 
> people, who I assume are by far the majority. Being retired I've the 
> time to enjoy this great tool almost every day for several hours.
> I like it more and more. And the many continuous improvements and 
> enhancements allow me to contribute more and more data.

> Thanks a lot.
> Willi

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