On Wed, 17 Jun 2015, Vincent Privat wrote:

We understand the problem but I don't know if keeping the old cache is easy
nor feasible. Wiktor what do you think? Is the old code still there or has
it been dropped during the switch ?

Actually I DO NOT see the problem.

Debian requires building from source which is true for most other distributions as well. That's fine.

Debian does nowhere require that a software needs to be split into multiple pieces. That may have some advantages but also has a series of disadvantages. And if nobody has time to do it, then simply don't do it!

JCS is now an integral part of JOSM. As it is also a library it could be provided by another package. But that's not required and also can be changed at any time in the future.

Altogether I never understood the way Debian packages JOSM and from user side it's complicated, error prone and also wastes space on harddisk. To fulfill Debian guidelines building a jar from source would be perfectly fine like you build binaries for other tools.

So Debian packages do a lot of actually unnecessary work and need constant adaption to changing source code. But that's the choice of package maintainers and no requirement.

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