It would be helpful is somebody can throw light on this. Atleast we can know how the 
Ash Wednesday and Ash Monday came into the Catholic chruch. 
Also while attending SM mass I have often heard my priest saying " The Latin Catholic 
church is celebrating so and so feast today". Why such differences within the catholic 
chruch itself? 
All through my life I was under the impression that the catholic church was divided 
into MC, SC and LC based on caste differences. But now I feel there are more 
differences. Please do help us. 
Love in Jesus, 

 joseph john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Primeson,
I too had the same doubt long time ago, but I forgot about it. But yesterday while we 
went for the Holy mass in our Parish, the parish priest said the same explanation 
during the homily, as ur friend said. The English priest was telling that in olden 
days Sunday was not counted as a fasting day. So counting the days from Wednesday to 
the Easter Saturday it comes to 40 days. But Iam not sure of the Ash Monday.
love n prayers
Joseph / Crawley / U.K 
----- Original Message -----
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 23:50:24 -0600
Subject: [JOYnet] Ash Wednesday & Ash Monday

My friend raised me a question, but I do not know the answer, therefore I
seek your answer on this.


i have a doubt.. y is tht we SM have Ash Monday and the Latins have Ash
Wednesday.... y'day one friend who goes to Latin church asked me y u SM
christians have Ash Monday instead of Ash Wednesday.... i said to her that
fasting starts with the starting of the week... and i told her sunday is the
starting of the week but since it is the Lord's day.. after midnight the
fasting starts.... tht was an escape answer for the time being which i
gave..... but.. i want to know the exact answer

i asked my friend.. if we count the no. days for fasting from Ash Wednesday
it comes to 45 days.. to which she said that in olden days sunday was not
counted for fasting.. but was feasting day... so if we excluded the 5
sundays.. it comes to 40 days....

and we SM christians have 50 days while the others say 40 days fast... y the

i counted the days from Ash Monday to Good friday and it comes to 47days..
then y it is said ambadh noyambh (50 days fasting)...

Biji Thomas / Mumbai


love & prayers

primeson / dubai

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