Hello All,
I would like to add one more thing.  The book I read also showed how the SM church 
counted 40 starting on Ash Monday. I don't remember it exactly.  I think that the 
count was only till Holy Thursday not including Sundays.  So 6 days in the first six 
weeks and 4 days in the Holy week.  Regardless of the  tradition, there is a concept 
of 40 days of fasting in both traditions.

Lovely Thomas/ Chicago/ USA

In a message dated 3/7/2003 12:46:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, LOVELYST writes:

>     Subj:
>   Re: [JOYnet] Ash Wednesday & Ash Monday
>     Date:
>   3/7/2003 12:46:38 PM Eastern Standard Time
>     From:
>     To:
> var messageInfo = {
> 'reply_to':[]
> ,
> 'cc':[]
> ,
> 'date':['3/7/2003 12:46:38 PM Eastern Standard Time']
> ,
> 'from':['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']
> ,
> 'to':['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']
> };
>               Sent from the Internet (Details)
> Hello All, I can try to answer the question based on what
> I read in a book at used to prepare for a Liturgy and Church History quiz
> competition when I was in high school.  I don't have the book with me.  I'll
> try to be as accurate as possible.
>  The Ash Monday is an ancient tradition in the Sryo Malabar church.  Sryo
> Malabar church also used to celebrate Ash Wednesday when I was very young
> due to the Latin influence during the 17th century to the 20th century.  But
> the Second Vatican Council asked all eastern rites go back to their traditions
> to keep the church more catholic (universal with diverse cultures and traditions
> and with unity in faith.   Therefore SM church started observing Ash Monday
> again. 
>  Those from Kerala probably know that we refer to lent as "anpathu nombu"
> (50 days of fasting).  The preparations for lent start on "Pathratha" feast
> on the Sunday before the Ash Monday. If you count all the days from this
> Sunday till Easter it is 50. Having more fasting days is a uniqueness of
> the Syro Malabar church. 
> The main fasting days are in SM church other than lent are:
> 25 days of Advent.
> 3 days before July 3rd (St. Thomas Day)
> 15 days before Aug 15. (Assumption)
> 8 days before Sep 8th (Feast of Mary)
>  In the Latin tradition the fasting for lent is exactly 40 days not including
> Sundays.  4 days in the first week and 6 days in each in the next 6 weeks.
>  As catholics we are expected to accept, respect and nurture the uniqueness
> of the individual churches while rejoicing in the unity of 
> our faith.
> Love and Prayers,
> Lovely Thomas / Chicago / USA

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