How the plugin is written is a huge part.  I have jealously noticed in
the past that mootools animations typically seem to be smoother,
especially on slower machines and cruddy browsers, but I stick with
jQuery because I really like the syntax & community.  However, I agree
that no one has really provide any proof that mootools is smoother.
Sorry Jonathan, in the demo you show above, we don't have a good
comparison because I can see already that there are scrollbars in FF
for jQuery demo and no scrollbars in the mootools, and I'm sure
scrollbars will have an effect.  Also Karl makes a good point about
easing...there is some psychology going on here.

But to give credit to the demo somewhat, here is what I saw.  The
mootools looks a lot better on my FF on macbook pro snow.  The jQuery
is choppy for diagonals and seems to be moving like its on a
staircase.   But in safari, things look pretty smooth for both.
Browser's always come into play.   Fellow developers and I concur that
FF is becoming rather laggy these days and is falling far behind
webkit stuff in performance, even with extensions disabled...sorry to
say because developers need and bleed with firefox and firebug.  If I
had time, I would do what Rey suggests and break down that stuff to
really file a proper complaint with the FF team.  I know I can't
really demand and expect a solution for a open source project unless I
contribute in some real practical way (not just mouthing off).

On Dec 4, 2:54 am, "Jonathan Vanherpe (T & T NV)" <>
> Karl Swedberg wrote:
> > On Dec 3, 2009, at 7:31 PM, Dave Methvin wrote:
> >>> I refrained from replying because the OP seemed trollish, but he has a
> >>> point, IMHO.
> >> It would be great if someone who knew both frameworks could set up a
> >> page that demonstrated a side-by-side case where Mootools has smoother
> >> animations than jQuery. Otherwise it's hard do know what might be
> >> causing the problem, or even whether there's a problem at all.
> > That's a great idea, Dave.
> > I wonder how much the easing equation affects people's perception of
> > "smoothness." It might be worthwhile to try animations using the
> > easing plugin and see if any of those equations feel smoother.
> > --Karl
> > ____________
> > Karl Swedberg
> ><>
> ><>
> ok, I've used some code I had lying around and put dummy content in 
> there:
> I actually don't really see a difference on my Ubuntu box (using FF
> 3.6b4), but there's a huge difference on a colleague's G4 (OS X 10.4,
> Firefox 3.5.5), so try to find a slow computer to test this on.
> Again, this might be the fault of the plugin I'm using, if you have
> another way of doing the same thing in jQuery you can tell me so I know
> for next time. I really prefer using jQuery, but sometimes I just can't
> because of things like this.
> Jonathan
><>           *Jonathan Vanherpe*
> <>
> <> - tel.: +32 (0)9 3860441

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