Andrew Barton wrote:

We had the same problem. I have come up with a solution, but it may be a bit
of a hack. If anyone else has a better solution, I would love to hear it.

My solution involves the use of a singleton, initialized by a servlet that
loads at application start up. I then use a utility to simplify the access
to the singleton.

I have included the source to the pieces.

My spring configuration in web.xml is as follows (the last item calls the
servlet that initializes the singleton):

<!-- spring configuration -->

Once this is all done, getting at a spring managed bean can be done anywhere
and is as easy as: SpringUtils.getBean("myBean");

The WebApplicationContext is the way that I go. I find that you can get to the ServletContext wherever it matters (even in the Filter, as you no doubt found out).

I split up applicationContexts into many different ones for discrete purposes (like modelled objects in hibernate, DAOs, Services, application-specific) and then load them sequentially (so that you get a root context that has access to all of the chained contexts):


       <!-- Spring application context locations -->

<!-- Listeners -->
<!-- Spring application context loader; loads when context is initialized -->

This makes it much more configurable, especially since I learned the classpath: prefix trick for the config locations.

Of course you can use WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(getServletContext()) [whew!] to get the ApplicationContext for the entire application.

Just a tip.  Use it together.  Use it in peace.

- Drew

< Drew Davidson | OGNL Technology >
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