Hey gang -
  I managed to hack the Filter to get a ServletContext and then the Spring
WebApplicationContext. Thanks to all for the many helpful replies.

Nick wrote:
> Cast the request to an http servlet request. That should have 
> access to the session, which has access to the context.(I think). 
Correct. That works too, but I stuck with the init() hook because it just
seemed like something I'd only need to do once.

But here is part two...

I now have a Servlet Filter that is coupled to Spring! 

That seems like a bad thing... I mean, if the whole point of Spring is to
allow you to inject different implementations/configurations, shouldn't one
strive to be able to replace Spring with another container in the future?

So the question now becomes a bit more esoteric (since I have a soln. that
works and that gives me a little breathing room)...and perhaps this is
obvious to Spring folks, but not to me yet.

Can I setup a spring config that injects a DataSource into MyServletFilter

So rather than have MyServletFilter obtain a Spring context and then ask for
a "ds" bean... can Spring just do
MyServletFilter.setDataSource(myDataSourceBean) at startup?


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