Ok, I know that we've talked about this before, but I really would like to make this one a reality as I just think it's a lot of fun.

Here's what I'm thinking about:
1) Define something with a little spice to it to accomplish - say connect to a db through a command-line application, retrieve a set of data, allow the user to select a record and return just that record. 2) Any scripting language is fair game (perl, ruby, python, jython, beanshell, groovy, etc.)
3) briefly go through the code to show what's involved with each one
4) Speed tests! (I think we'll need judges on this one!)

We have plenty of presenters lined up for a while (I believe) so we can line up anyone who's interested in participating in this and plan it for a future preso. Whose interested?

(I'll take Groovy and maybe Ruby if noone else does).


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