Just like last year, a lunch-time show of hands at NFJS for "Who uses Eclipse?" seemed to raise just about every hand in the room. And, just like last year, a follow-up from Neal Ford -- "Who'd still use Eclipse if they had to pay $400 for it?" -- made every one of those hands disappear.(*)

With that in mind, I put another idea on the Topic Ideas list: A quick-start on IntelliJ for Eclipse users.

Incidentally, how about a simple convention to show strong interest in a topic? It could just be a simple line with "Thumbs up: who1, who2, who3..." below each topic for whoever is interested in it.

Hmmm...with the thought in mind that nobody wants to take the time to put together a presentation that nobody shows up for, maybe instead of "Thumbs up:" it should be "I'll be there". I went ahead and marked a few that I'd definitely show up for.

Here's that link again: http://tucson-jug.org/display/TJUG/Topic+Ideas

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(*) I *think* every raised hand went down on Neal's $400 follow-up but maybe somebody else who was there could confirm or refute my observation.

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