On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 3:06 AM, William H. Mitchell
> Well, I'd be happy to see a good demo of TextMate, too! :)

Hehe.  Actually, I think textmate sucks pretty hard in its own ways -
such as no directory-tree-specific search (a horribly glaring
omission).  I'll often have to fall back to grep or Idea if I need to
do some real searching to filter a lot of hits.

Also, I'm a lowest-common-denominator guy, especially since I switch
back and forth so much (vi on terminals, textmate on my own, usually
Idea at work), and I can't remember things as well as I used to.  For
example, command-home shift-downarrow command-x is my preferred way of
moving lines around - I don't bother with the move-block shortcut
(which is useless in Textmate anyway because it LEAVES YOUR CURSOR ON

I like to think that I think more than I edit, so it's OK if I don't
know all the shortcuts ;)

Anyway, maybe we can think of structuring the Nugs - gonna keep
dissin' that J ;) - to allow 5 minute lightning talks like this in
addition to the normal topic.  Maybe do them first, and have a hard
stop - 5 mins demo and 5 mins questions, then move on.  That also
works good for me so I don't have to stress if I commit and can't show
up after all (like this month I was gonna come but I had to play drums
for my church at the last minute).

-- Chad

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