For me, the biggest question is transition cost. I am an Eclipse user wanting something more. And many developers I respect have found Ideal to be more productive. I agree, $400 for a tool that makes me more productive is nothing. But you don't get instant productivity. If the transition costs me a week of work, the cost of the tool is actually much greater.

I recently downloaded a trial of Idea and found that my extensive library of Eclipse projects didn't easily port to Idea. Further other members of my team are using Eclipse. Ideally, the tool I choose to use should not affect other members of my team. After my initial experience, I am not so sure. Most of these problems are likely ignorance on my part, but it was not clear to me where I needed to go to get answers.

I welcome a talk on Idea for Eclipse users. It might be just what I need to reduce the transition cost.

On Aug 14, 2008, at 12:15 PM, Chad Woolley wrote:

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 4:23 AM, William H. Mitchell
Just like last year, a lunch-time show of hands at NFJS for "Who uses
Eclipse?" seemed to raise just about every hand in the room. And, just like last year, a follow-up from Neal Ford -- "Who'd still use Eclipse if they had to pay $400 for it?" -- made every one of those hands disappear. (*)

I use IntelliJ Idea and TextMate mainly now.  I gotta say, I think
eclipse sucks next to Idea.  If you are into a full-blown IDE (in
other words, don't like textmate/VIM/Emacs/etc), intelliJ is the best
one.  ANd I gotta say, if you are a software developer and cannot
afford top spend $400 to get a top-of-the-line tool that you will use
every day of your professional life, then you should start looking for
a different job :)

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