On 08/08/17 08:31, Ante Karamatić wrote:
> If you want to run LXD on the same host where bind is running, you
> just have to configure bind to *not* listen on LXD network:
> https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-linux-bsd-bind-dns-listenon-configuration/
> uto, 8. kol 2017. 09:04 Muhammad Yousuf Khan <sir...@gmail.com
> <mailto:sir...@gmail.com>> je napisao:
>     Thanks for the update Ante. but since MAAS also used Bind for its
>     own DNS resolution. how come one can use juju or lxd in absence of
>     bind. 
>     any tip will be highly appreciated.
>     Thanks,
>     MYK

MYK, if I understand your problem, you are running a MAAS controller on
the VM (which means bind is running) and you want to bootstrap a LXD
localhost Juju controller on that same machine. The question is why you
need to bootstrap a local Juju on a MAAS controller?

As Ante says, you can configure the MAAS bind to avoid grabbing the lxd
network interfaces, which ill allow LXD's dnsmasq to work alongside bind
(because bind is focused on the main network interfaces, and dnsmasq is
grabbing the lxd network interfaces). But that's fiddly, you would need
to look carefully over the bind config files and make sure you don't
inadvertently break MAAS. If you are not familiar with bind
configuration, I don't recommend this approach.

The easy answer is just to create a separate VM that points resolv.conf
at the MAAS DNS server, and bootstrap Juju locally in that VM. You can
even IIRC use MAAS to create that new VM, using the 'pod' functionality
in 2.2.

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