Hi Marcus,

It's great that you're exploring Julia in this way.  Judging by the
responses, there hasn't been a huge amount of interest yet.

If you're having fun (and it looks like it!), keep at it.  If you're really
looking to find ways to collaborate, you might try to look at other
symbolic math packages for Julia, and for previous discussions on symbolic
math in Julia.

I was going to list a few packages for you, but instead I'll just point you
to this post from a year ago on julia-dev, which has pointers to 6 other
symbolic math packages:


That discussion, itself, also might be of interest.


On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 2:47 AM, Marcus Appelros <marcus.appel...@gmail.com>

> Looking for testers and testwriters, especially for recent versions since
> the internet connection here (not so central Kenya) does not allow frequent
> updates.
> Pkg.clone("git://github.com/jhlq/Equations.jl.git")
> WIP:
> * A generic matches(ex::Expression,pattern::Expression) so instead of
> applying matchers functions to a equation one applies a web of equations.
> * Contracting multiple terms into Pow(a,b).
> * More derivative rules.
> * Int (∫) type.
> * Extensive testing.

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