Somehow your setup has regressed here. Cxx.jl was loading fine in your
original email, so go back to that version and call:


because that is where julia.h lives.

On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 1:44 PM, Kostas Tavlaridis-Gyparakis <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Just to be sure that I am understanding correctly what your proposal.
> You suggest I should:
> 1) Completely uninstall Julia
> 2) Recompile the source code (i.e. run make)
> 3) Then try using julia from the source code build cxx package
> 4) Then perform the make install and link the version of julia of the
> decaxemical folder with my system
> And hopefully this will work?
> I am just asking to be sure before I proceed with any attempt, as the make
> command is really time con-
> suming, so want first to be sure that I am doing what you are actually
> suggesting (:
> On Friday, July 17, 2015 at 6:24:21 PM UTC+2, Jeff Waller wrote:
>> Yea I think what you're seeing is that Cxx needs to use the source tree
>> for example only exists in the source tree while embedding
>> assumes the installed tree.
>> How to reconcile this the best way I'm not sure yet.  I myself found Cxx
>> interesting enough to try, but the build failed a couple of times and I
>> haven't had a chance to pick it back up.  But here's what I assume
>> could be done.
>> Don't attempt to do them at the same time but first Cxx (using source)
>> and then embed second (using install).
>> Build Cxx following the Cxx instructions.
>> Then install (this is the tricky part and only something I can guess at
>> right now).  You might find that a number of things necessary for Cxx
>> to function are not installed by default, or it will all go smoothly.  I
>> think
>> though that Cxx is going to need clang in some way and that is definitely
>> NOT installed by default.  I'm not sure how much Julia must/can provide
>> and how much the Cxx package can/must provide.
>> Then build embed against installed stuff.
>> Report errors, they may require multiple iterations.

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