[My reponse here is kind of off-topic for Julia, but on graphics..]

Similar to other GPU/OpenGL wrapper stuff for Julia I've seen, is the 
overhead low, as in 0% or low single digits?

On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 11:04:41 AM UTC, Simon Danisch wrote:
> Well, Julia is not directly at work here and its not really about ray 
> tracing ;)

Now I'm a little confused.. At first I didn't look to closely, just at the 

Are you saying this is just for shaders and the OpenGL paradigm is still 
used only allowing you to embed a ray tracer as one option in a shader? To 
you still then have to take care of no overdraw and get the right triangles 
to paint? E.g. not work in screenspace?

> You need to write the shader in GLSL 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenGL_Shading_Language>, which is more 
> C-like.
> That said, I'm pretty sure that the ray tracing examples are faster than 
> most of the ray tracing examples listed in the links.
> It runs even on on-board GPU's in real time.

I have a crappy GPU so can't confirm, but find this hard to believe.. E.g. 
here, from this year they say interactive:


E.g. good enough for graphics people, but last cool tech demo I looked at 
showed graphics breaking up and took several frames to get right after the 
movement stopped. If/when you get true real-time ray-tracing (a few years 
back, there where specialized chips/boards/APIs for it) on regular GPUs, 
the older paradigm is dead (it has higher time complexity). Then it is only 
a matter of time until the low end chips can do real-time also. For a time, 
at least, both old style, and ray-tracing, needs to be supported in the 
same chips, as the regular public will not buy specialized chips (or both!) 
or you would have a chicken and egg situation. 

The algorithms allow only for very limited ray tracing, but work nicely on 
> the GPU.

Still cool if this is the state of the art, and even with Julia.

> Am Donnerstag, 24. September 2015 01:21:16 UTC+2 schrieb Simon Danisch:
>> Hi,
>> you want to try out GPU accelerated ray tracing? You want some quick and 
>> easy start for GPU accelerated fractal rendering?
>> You can do this quite easily now!
>> ShaderToy <https://github.com/SimonDanisch/ShaderToy.jl> allows you to 
>> only specify a fragmentshader, which is an OpenGL program which can execute 
>> arbitrary code per pixel(fragment).
>> Its based on GLVisualize and basically the Julia native version of: 
>> https://www.shadertoy.com/
>> I copied a few examples to get you started. Just click on the gifs in the 
>> README to see the fragment shader that produced the image.
>> The installation is still a little bit wonky, but should mostly work if 
>> the script executes without error.
>> If it doesn't work, please open an issue. This will help me to make the 
>> release of GLPlot and GLVisualize a lot smoother!
>> Best,
>> Simon

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