On Wed, 2016-06-08 at 19:11, digxx <diger_d...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Since Im not really up to date can anyone in 2 sentences explain to me what 
> the
> issue with the package ODE.jl is?
> Is it the interface ppl dont like or what makes it so "redundant"?

The issue is that ODE.jl has not moved quite at the pace many other
"core" packages have.  (But it sees more love now with Joseph (GSoC)
working on it) However, ODE.jl it is very usable at the moment, if weak
on the implicit solver side (only ode23s; it's one of the goals of the
GSoC to remedy this).  If you need an implicit pure-Julia solver
(ODE/DAE) you should give DASSL.jl a spin.  If you don't care about
pure-Julia, try Sundials.jl.  I don't think the ODE/(DAE?) solvers of
DifferentialEquations.jl have caught up to those above, but if Chris
keeps moving at this pace they may well do.

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