> Lähettäjä: Giuseppe Aruta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Hi all,
> I want to give my opinion to some argumats from Michael, even 
> if I am not a programmer but a big user of OJ
> Images still represent a problem with embedded raster plugin 
> in  OpenJUMP: a raster image has a tendency to dissapear when 
> zooming in/out several times on it.
> Some times ago (if I am, not wrong) there was a discussion 
> about integrate Pirol Baseclass.jar in OpenJUMP which seems 
> to handle better  the raster (the image never dissapears and 
> there is also trasparency). 

I am rather sure that this image disappearense happens only when zooming to an 
area that is partly outside the image area.  It looks like raster handler is 
using some kind of image catalogue in vector format for knowing the image 
boundaries and there something fails if user is zooming partly outside this 
indexed area.  So perhaps a bug fix might be a first aid.  Unfortunately 
original author is perhaps not available and other people do not know where to 
look for the error.  Despite disappearing, rasters behave rather well, 
especially ECW. I hope we do not loose ECW in a possible change. Transparency 
is welcome.

Updating PostGIS and Oracle driver would be nice to have sometimes in the 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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