On September 5, 2017 8:15:47 AM GMT+09:00, Thomas Pfeiffer 
<thomas.pfeif...@kde.org> wrote:
>Here are the results of the survey:
>Now it's time for us to find a solution that fits the profile!


I propose we:

* Turn the must-have list into a wiki table and create columns for each chat 
* In each cell, use
** ... a red background to indicate a feature is not available, and neither 
planned nor likely to happen
** ... a yellow background if a feature is either not yet widely available or 
still in the planning stages, with text (in the cell? footnote?) having to 
provide details including timeline of expect ed availability
** ... a green background if a feature is supported

I can take a stab at the Matrix and maybe IRC v3 columns (especially as the 
Konversation UI rewrite and planned Matrix support imho turns some additionals 
cells yellow, but even without Konvi-NG I think it's compelling personally).

Plasma, apps developer
KDE e.V. vice president, treasurer
Seoul, South Korea

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