Op vrijdag 18 augustus 2017 02:11:39 CEST schreef Thomas Pfeiffer:
> Hi everyone,
> I've finally managed to enter all of our proposed requirements for a
> KDE-wide primary IM/chat solution into a tool for creating Kano surveys:
> http://www.kanosurvey.com/?id=3959
> The Kano model [1] categorizes features not just in "must have" and "nice to
> have" but into five categories along two dimensions.
> This results in a more holistic view on the requirements, at the expense of
> making the survey quite long because participants have to rate each feature
> on two dimensions.
> So, please fill in the survey, but be aware that overall you'll have to
> answer a whopping 106 questions (rating 53 requirements on two dimensions
> each), so please reserve enough time.
> The survey took me 13 minutes to complete, but of course I've already read
> the requirements countless times, so you might need a bit more time.
> Thank you in advance for your participation,
> Thomas
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kano_model

Hello Thomas,

I converted the table to html for you. This is how I did it:

1) open LibreOffice, export to HTML
2) remove all style= attributes with sed
3) change <td> to <th> for header cells
4) fiddle with the css at the top


Attachment: Requirements for a primary Chat_IM solution for KDE.html
Description: application/xhtml

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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