Am 30.09.2011 14:29, schrieb todd rme:
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Sven Burmeister
> <> wrote:
>> Am Donnerstag, 29. September 2011, 13:25:49 schrieb Sebastian Kügler:
>>>> It's frustrating for users submitting bug reports when an easily
>>>> reproducible bug sits in the queue, without even a comment, for six
>>>> months.  For the record, I'm referring to this bug report here:
>>> This posting of bugreports to mailinglists is often seen as unnecessary, and
>>> unfair since you're bringing attention to your pet bugs, which
>>> disadvantages others' pet bugs. Please don't do it, your bug likely ends up
>>> lower on developers' priority lists, and it sometimes causes bad blood (as
>>> can be seen in recent history).
>> Ok, so if a user reports a bug and gets no answer for weeks, what should he
>> do? Keep posting to the bug every few weeks, blog about it, private email to
>> the dev, ask on IRC (which would not be much different than a mailinglist),
>> post to the forums? If that makes no sense to start not caring about the bug.
>> Not a good choice, is it?
> I don't think any of those are good options, since all of them have
> the same result: spamming developers with huge amounts of useless
> information.  This would only make it far more difficult to manage bug
> reports.  Just being patient seems like the only solution that could
> work in practice on a large scale.

but you can only expect that reporters being patient if they get as minimum
ONE reply of a developer with a shor explain that it may take a little
longer to get this fixed

with no reaction you have to accept that people get angry and maybe if this
are people able to send "qualified bugreports" they are angry enough over the
long to not report bugs in the future what brings down the quality and helps
nobody - patience does not work if people feel ignored!

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