ngraham added a comment.

  If we also want to change the icon, it can't be done as a part of this patch 
because I've got no icon design or vector art skills whatsoever. It can't go 
into this patch as long as I'm the author. Like I said, I'm open to changing 
the icon itself, but that's a separate issue from what's in this patch. For all 
intents and purposes, this patch can be seen as standardizing on one icon. If 
and when that's done, we can start a conversation on what that icon that we 
standardized on should be should be changed to or replaced with, if anything.
  Keep in mind that any significant change to the "two sliders" icon would 
entail redoing System Settings' icon too, as it currently depicts two sliders 
with a reasonable similarity to the monochrome version.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: ngraham, #vdg, #plasma, #breeze
Cc: abetts, sharvey, #frameworks, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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