mgallien added subscribers: astippich, januz.
mgallien added a comment.

  In D12992#266288 <>, @alex-l wrote:
  > F5863162: image.png <>
  > ^ I'm for this one without the quaver
  I also prefer this one without the quaver.
  Is it possible to really simplify the background for the small size icon ? It 
would be probably much easier to read it.
  @astippich  and @januz what is your opinion ? You are also working on Elisa 
and should have the rights to speak ;)
  > F5862923: image.png <>
  > ^ or this one with white symbol

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: lshoravi, #vdg, ngraham, #elisa
Cc: januz, astippich, mgallien, alex-l, andreask, kde-frameworks-devel, 
ssteffen, lcmscheid, nhuisman, ursjoss, mykolak, jussiv, michaelh, ognarb, 
ngraham, bruns, kmf

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