Hello Viz,

KIM relies heavily on GATE (http://gate.ac.uk/) for information extraction. That is , KIM executes a GATE pipeline over the documents to annotate them. Together with the standard GATE processing resources, KIM provides additional to help the IE. Also the knowledge base is enriched, and is generally tuned for the specific domain. You can find the pipeline at KIM/context/default/resources/IE.gapp .

So in order to use KIM for other languages, you have to use resources for the concrete language and also tune the knowledge base (KB). The KB is located in KIM/context/default/kb.

There are some documents you may find useful.
- http://gate.ac.uk/sale/lrec02-unicode/unicode-lrs.pdf
- http://gate.ac.uk/sale/eacl03/demo.pdf

In general getting familiar with GATE will be very helpful.

All the best,

On 11/17/2009 09:39 AM, 赵伟 wrote:
I am care about the KIM recently but I am not sure whether it support for
different language, such as Chinese and other, after reading the information
on your web.
I know that I can extend my ontology by change the visibility.nt and kb\owl
but I can't find the steps.
So, could you tell whether and how can I use it in Chinese?
Your answer will be great helpful.

Thank you!!!

Best Wishes

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Philip Alexiev<philip.alex...@ontotext.com>
Software Engineer
Ontotext AD

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