Just an update on some work on my KR2.  I've spent right at 22 hours in the 
last three days working on it.  I installed some turnbuckles into the cables 
for the tailwheel so I can adjust the tension independently from the rudder 
cables even though they are interconnected.  Also started work on a new 
cowling.  I had one made but didn't like the way it turned out so I'm doing it 
again.  Bet none of you have ever had to make a part twice.....yeah right!  
Anyway, if you are on the krnet.org, click on my link to see the latest 
pictures of the cowling in progress.  

I also taxied the fuselage around last Sunday after making a new control arm 
for the carburetor.  Now it runs like the proverbial raped ape and when I was 
taxiing I swear that if I'd given it full throttle it might have flown without 
the wings.  Man did it take off across the ramp.  It was about 8:15 in the 
evening and no one else was at the airport and the ramp was empty so I thought, 
why not?  

Keep all of the updates coming on the net.  They make for interesting reading 
and make me want to get done just that much sooner.  

Neal Hornung
EarthLink Revolves Around You.

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