For what its worth, there are already a few "open" Eris and glass cockpit
projects out there, some usable but still lacking. Do a Google search for
"open efis" or "open glass cockpit". I'm a software guy and have half
worked on one of my own. Linux is the way to go. It will run faster on the
same hardware than Winblows will.


On Feb 19, 2012 7:18 AM, <> wrote:

I once voiced about changing over to
windows based OS from Linux on one of our instruments and the ...

For anyone who can think, there are better options.

Rich Parker

Greenfield NH

        As far as a stable platform I can say that once I changed from MS
to Linux I have never had a computer crash related to the OS period. Linux
is rock solid without the use of any added virus protection period. It
would be great to see a system built for a glass panel for the KR or any
home built out there using a Linux base program.
        With the FAA budget approval there is a mandate ( if I am not
mistaken ) to go GPS based traffic control which will push this type of
technology into the main stream for all aviation. The next few years will
be interesting in it's development.
           Eric Kelsheimer
Clinton, Indiana 47842

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