Sounds like a great idea (again! :D)

Anyone awesome at HTML? You can find the slideshow sources here :

Would be nice to have some mockups for the next release so that we can
switch before UI freeze.

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:08 AM, Scott Kitterman <> wrote:
> On Thursday, January 31, 2013 08:36:59 PM Aleix Pol wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Rohan Garg <> wrote:
>> > Hi everyone
>> > Since the default browser seems to be a fairly hot topic in Kubuntu
>> > I'd like to propose the following :
>> >
>> > * Keep rekonq as the default browser
>> > * Add a new browser selection page in Ubiquity right after the
>> > "Prepare" page which allows the user to pick one of the the 3
>> > available choices Firefox/Chromium/Rekonq ( rekonq selected by default
>> > )
>> >
>> > Pro's : People don't complain (loudly) about our browser selection
>> >
>> >            For people trying out Kubuntu for the first time who know
>> >
>> > nothing about packages and how to install software, it gives them an
>> > easy way to choose a more feature complete browser.
>> >
>> > Con's : Adds another step in the installer
>> >
>> > While some people might argue that users might not be able to choose
>> > one over the other, this will not hold true for most of the users
>> > since we can safely assume that they have used/heard about either one
>> > of the browsers in the past and already have a preference.
>> >
>> > I've also heard some issues being raised about chromium not having a
>> > security cycle in tune with our release cycle, but it seems that
>> > Lubuntu ships Chromium as their default browser.
>> >
>> > I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on this.
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Rohan Garg
>> >
>> > --
>> > kubuntu-devel mailing list
>> >
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>> >
>> Personally I wouldn't do that. If a user is smart enough for wanting
>> another browser, he should be able to go and install it himself.
>> Maybe here the problem is that Kubuntu is not advertising the software
>> centers properly.
>> From my side, if there's anything we can do to improve this situation from
>> Muon, I think it would be a huge step forward, and not only for browsers,
>> but other areas could benefit from such deals. Maybe rekonq can provide a
>> list of alternatives and use muon to install them? Afterall, chromium
>> already suggests you other browsers, IIRC.
>> Additionally, you didn't mention in the Con's that it means to add GTK
>> dependencies, which I'm fine with by the way, but AFAIK right now ubuntu
>> forked the kde-gtk-config package to not need GTK.
> I think it would be good to have a slide for "here's how you get more stuff"
> and possibly "Here's how you get a different web browser" in the feature tour
> the runs during the installation.  The content of the slide show hasn't
> changed in awhile and I think this would be a good improvement.
> That'd be a way to introduce the idea of package management and our tools for
> getting/updating packaging.
> Scott K
> --
> kubuntu-devel mailing list
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