
as I want to switch from XEN to KVM I've made some performance tests
to see if KVM is as peformant as XEN. But tests with a VMU that receives
a streamed video, adds a small logo to the video and streams it to a
have shown that XEN performs much betten than KVM. 
In XEN the vlc (videolan client used to receive, process and send the
video) process 
within the vmu has a cpuload of 33,8 % whereas in KVM
the vlc process has a cpuload of 99.9 %.
I'am not sure why, does anybody now some settings to improve
the KVM performance?

Thank you.
Regards, Stefanie.

Used hardware and settings:
In the tests I've used the same host hardware for XEN and KVM:
- Dual Core AMD 2.2 GHz, 8 GB RAM
- Tested OSes for KVM Host: Fedora 10, with kvm
version 10.fc10 version 74
                            also tested in january: compiled kernel with

- KVM Guest settings: OS: Fedora 9 2.6.25-14.fc9.x86_64 (i386 also
                      RAM: 256 MB (same for XEN vmu)
                      CPU: 1 Core with 2,2 GHz (same for XEN vmu)
                            tested nic models: rtl8139, e1000, virtio

Tested Scenario: VMU receives a streamed video , adds a logo (watermark)
to the video stream and then streams it to a client

Host cpu load (virt-manager):           23%
VMU  cpu load (virt-manager):                   18 %    
VLC process within VMU (top):                   33,8%                   

no virt-manager cpu load as I started the vmu with the kvm command
Host cpu load :                                 52%
qemu-kvm process (top)                          77-100%
VLC process within vmu (top):                   80 - 99,9%

KVM command to start vmu
/usr/bin/qemu-kvm -boot c -hda /images/vmu01.raw -m 256 -net
nic,vlan=0,macaddr=aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:10,model=virtio -net
u-ifdown -vnc -k de --daemonize


Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG
Bell Labs Germany
Service Infrastructure, ZFZ-SI
Stefanie Braun
Phone:   +49.711.821-34865
Fax:     +49.711.821-32453

Postal address:
Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG
Lorenzstrasse 10

Mail: stefanie.br...@alcatel-lucent.de


Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Stuttgart - Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 4026
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Michael Oppenhoff Vorstand: Alf Henryk
Wulf (Vors.), Dr. Rainer Fechner

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