I got your package this morning and what a lot of memories it brought back. I actually visited 5 of the churches on the dish towel, years ago when I took a fascinating 3 day study tour called 'The vernacular architecture of East Anglia" and then some years later, when I took a 2 week course at Cambridge University. The tape measure will come in very handy. I've carried one in my purse for years. Actually it's so old that the markings on the first 4 inches have worn off and there's no metric measurements on it. I've been meaning to replace it and now I have a lovely one from the Lacemakers' Circle. I'll try out the embroidery floss bobbin winder this afternoon. It should be very handy. Thanks again. The parcel was a great way to bring some sunlight into a very grey, rainy day.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada

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