Dear Secret Pal in California

Your package arrived this morning - I was at home because it's half-term week so I didn't have to go down to the post office to collect it. I was catching up on my painting class homework when the postman came and the mild irritation at having to go and answer the door soon disappeared when I unwrapped all the goodies!

The cards are lovely - the painting class theme is art forms from nature and I've been (trying!) to do a couple of semi abstract paintings from sketches of a tree that's been struck by lightening. The bigger card is very much like what I'd like to try and do next, with the stylised figures, girl's long flowing hair and flowers, so it and the wrapping paper will go into the 'ideas' folder.

I can't see a lace pattern in the sea horse paper, but there is one in the flower paper - have already drawn it with lots of petals and plaits, but how best to work it is another matter, five petal flowers don't just fall into place.

The ballerina will be saved for the Christmas tree - I'm beginning to get quite a collection of little ornaments from lace friends which get used each year - and the ginger biscuits are delicious. They certainly won't last until Christmas.

Thank you for everything


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