Anne - I wonder did your secret pal tell you that possums also have the habit
of staging large, noisy fights in the tree-tops at night??   We have
ring-tailed possums in our neighbourhood (in suburban Sydney - you don't have
to live in the country to have possums around) and they apparently have a
variety of homes around the area, moving onto the next one when they've
exhausted the food in a particular area.  They were very noisy here a few
months ago, till one night they came down out the trees and ate ALL the new
plants (many, many pounds worth!) in our garden.  A couple of nights later, I
noticed all was quiet, and discovered they'd moved on (presumably to the next
freshly-planted garden!)   The ring-tailed (so called because they have a white
ring around the tail) possums use the overhead electricity wires as a sort of
aerial footpath to walk along and cross the streets.  It's a bit hair-raising,
watching them - they wobble so much I keep waiting for them to fall off, but
I've never seen one fall yet.
Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

Anne Nicholas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Dear secret pal in Australia,

The little card of the possums in great and it is hard for me to imagine
them on your roof !!

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