dear Secret Pal from Italy,

I started work at 12.30 noon today, so was stuill at home when the postman
brought your parcel. What luck!! I was able to open it immediately and
have one of thopse delicious almond biscuit for lunch. Thank you!
I love the box and its green tartan, quite an unusual colour. I don't
think the green thread you sent would go with that, but I love that bright
green and will certainly use it to make some lace. I've already made
several green pieces of lace, including my Lacemakers Census bit, which is
green and gold according to the official colours of Australia. I've got to
make several bookmarks or little doylies for Christmas, so it will be just
the right colour.
I also like the pair of bobbins, thank you, I don't have any of those
Spanish bobbins. But Spanish bobbins???You seem to be very cosmopolitan!!
Idrija lace patterns, Spanish bobbins, English thread....I wonder who you
I was intrigued to hear about your plans to come to Australia. Are you
emigrating, or just coming for a holiday? Where do you think you will
settle? You will let me know of course if you come to Melbourne!! or even
somewhere else, we have lacemakers in every State who will be happy to
welcome you.
Looking forward to your next parcel and news,

Your delighted secret pal (the not secret part :-))

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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